Real alternative to teamviewer
Real alternative to teamviewer

Well, Teamviewer has been one of the best options when it comes to Remote Desktop Access. Why would you need Teamviewer alternatives? Let us go through a few alternatives for Teamviewer in this article. However, there are a few issues associated with the well-renowned tool. Teamviewer is one such piece of software that lets you handle this requirement in an efficient manner. Industrial applications need you to be better performers, and remote desktop access is one of the major assets in that direction. The ability to keep working with your files on the move will definitely go a long way in providing assistance in troubleshooting. No meetings, file sharing, etc, so consider it if you’re on a budget or need only remote desktop access and control.Remote Desktop Access lets you access your files on the go.

real alternative to teamviewer

It streams the desktop using VP8 which makes it responsive with good quality.Ĭhrome Remote Desktop is a free proprietary extension, but it doesn’t exactly replace Team Viewer because you can only use it for remote access. With Chrome Remote Desktop, you can access a Chromebook or any other computer through the Google Chrome browser – a process unofficially referred to as Chromoting. # dnf upgrade -refresh 'remmina*' 'freerdp*' On Fedora and CentOS, simple copy and paste the following commands on a terminal window. $ sudo apt install -t stretch-backports remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret $ echo 'deb stretch-backports main' | sudo tee -append /etc/apt//stretch-backports.list > /dev/null To install Remmina from Debian Backports, simple copy and paste the following commands on a terminal window. $ sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret

real alternative to teamviewer

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next To install Remmina on Ubuntu, simple copy and paste the following commands on a terminal window.

Real alternative to teamviewer